Full Recovery…with Brownies and Cinnamon Rolls!

Hello Everyone,

I don’t have all that much to talk about this week, other than that transfers took place.  As it turns out, my companion and I had bought the wrong train tickets for his transfer (no wonder they were so cheap).  Consequently he and Elder D just barely managed to get a sleeping cabin by getting on a standby list, and then having one of the employees selflessly offer up his room to them.  I barely was able to get off a batch of brownies and throw some into Tupperware before we had to take a taxi to the train station.  So yeah, I had some maniacal laughter that my companion wasn’t getting out without brownies, although from what I heard, they ended up only having two of them, gifting the rest to the generous employee.

On Thursday I went to my scheduled follow-up appointment at the dermatologist, but not much happened other than me being told that I should use some cream on my dry hands (nothing new there).  The dermatologist said that that my hands cracking open from dryness might have been one of the reasons they were able to be infected, which infection was then able to proceed to my face.  I don’t have to continue the medication as I’m back to normal…not sure what to do with the rest of the prescribed medication.  I don’t think I was supposed to heal nearly this fast.

This week I tried to make cinnamon rolls with orange icing (as requested by the late Sora Newell…not that I got around to it in time, unfortunately).  It was my first time making something using yeast…and well, I succeeding in making rolls with some sugar, cinnamon, and icing on them, so I guess that’s close enough?

I also translated a Bruce R. McConkie talk for my new companion, as he is still the Timisoara Branch President, and had to video tape a talk to be presented there on Sunday.  He, of course, prepared the rest of his talk that was not taken from Elder McConkie.  Translating the talk was pretty intense, especially the metaphor he used.  I guess I at least got a sense of accomplishment out of it.

Happy National Australian Day,

Elder Brown

Posted on January 28, 2015, in Elder Brown. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Glad to hear your health is improving. I surely do enjoy reading about your experiences there! God bless you. Sis. Wardria Carman

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